Dental floss, a non-neglectable oral care procedure. Because just brushing your teeth may not be enough to clean your mouth. Because brushing can remove only 50% of food residues only. Using dental floss together with brushing. It can remove up to 86% of dirt and bacteria. Therefore, to keep the oral hygiene. Should floss your teeth at least once a day after brushing your teeth. To remove accumulated limestone.

Dental floss is divided into two types:
1. Wax coating Will be slippery so that teeth can be polished easily and crevices well Suitable for beginners to practice polishing teeth. Used and will not feel irritation.

2. Dental floss with no wax coating Will be more sharp But will help remove stains better Suitable for people who have been grinding their teeth for a long time.
Here are the proper flossing techniques. Improper flossing can cause gum bleeding.
– Pull out about 30 cm of floss or 1 ruler, then wrap both ends of the floss with your index finger. Leave about 5-10 centimeters in the middle.
– Hold the floss with your thumb and forefinger, then gently insert the floss along the slit. Move the floss up and down. And a C-shaped arc around the teeth when finished, continue to continue with the teeth until the entire mouth.
– Be careful not to scrub too hard. It can cause injuries to the tissues surrounding the teeth. Or if it is too light, food particles or tartar can remain stuck between teeth.
– Try not to floss with too much pressure, otherwise you’ll cause inflammation to the gumline around your teeth. However, if you don’t use any pressure while flossing at all, the plaque or food impaction between your teeth won’t be completely removed.